
Jennifer Stachel Orthodontics offers AcceleDent treatment in New York City. Recognized as one of the best orthodontists in NYC, Dr. Stachel is committed to providing her patients with the best care.

What is AcceleDent?

AcceleDent is a groundbreaking tool that allows you to reduce your time in braces or aligners and speed up your orthodontic care. SoftPulse Technology is used by the AcceleDent device to generate small vibrations, or micropulses, that gently accelerate the movement of your teeth as directed by your orthodontics. 

These precisely-calibrated vibrations are transmitted through the roots of the tooth to the surrounding jawbone and increase cellular activity. Many patients report that these micropulses make their braces and aligners more comfortable. In fact, AcceleDent has been shown in clinical studies to reduce pain and discomfort by up to 71%. AcceleDent has also been clinically shown to accelerate tooth movement by up to 50%. 

AcceleDent means fewer orthodontic appointments and a reduced risk of oral health problems like cavities, gum irritation, and white spots on enamel because teeth move faster. At Jennifer Stachel Orthodontics, we're thrilled to be able to offer this advanced treatment option to our patients.

Advantages of AcceleDent

AcceleDent is a supplemental device that can be used in conjunction with a variety of orthodontic therapies, including braces and Invisalign. AcceleDent is:

  • Proven – In 15 clinical trials, the device has been shown to be both safe and effective.

  • Safe – The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved AcceleDent, and it is only available with a prescription from a qualified orthodontist.

  • Simple – Patients appreciate how this cutting-edge technology is hands-free and only takes 20 minutes of use a day to make a difference in treatment time. When using AcceleDent, you can text friends, read a book, watch TV, listen to music, or do your homework.

Frequently Asked Questions About AcceleDent

Call 212-877-7177 today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Stachel.